leadership development

Don't waste time on weaknesses - look inside and discover what's different

Don't waste time on weaknesses - look inside and discover what's different

Working on weaknesses drains energy. This post is about the importance of spending time discovering your strengths and then working to make them even more powerful.

And a little pitch for the new course - we’ve got all kinds of resources to make it easier to discover your strengths, help your team members find theirs, and put it all together in a high performing team.

Which way should I go? Why it's critical to set direction for your team

Which way should I go? Why it's critical to set direction for your team

Many leaders don’t take the time to set direction for their team. In this post, I share how teams are impacted when they lack direction and offer a few tips on how to get started.

And a little pitch for the new course - we’ve got all kinds of resources to make it easier to co-create an ambition with your team.

Healthy conflict - it's not what you said, it's the way you said it

Healthy conflict - it's not what you said, it's the way you said it

Healthy conflict is necessary for high performing teams! Diverse teams (with people who are different from you) are smarter and more innovative – but they feel less comfortable and can have more friction. It feels harder, but the outcomes are better. Check out this framework to create some healthy tension!

Something New...

Something New...

I’m working on something new. I’m looking to integrate different pieces of work that I do - coaching, leadership development, and digital learning. People learn how to lead from a number of places, but it’s typically a piecemeal approach. I’ve put together a course focused on developing high performing work teams. If you want better results, a positive team experience, engaged employees, and a lot of learning & growth, check it out!